3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems - IEEE IEPS 2018, Járkov (Ucrania). 10-14 septiembre 2018
In this article the research of process of transportation of an object of manipulation on a rectilinear trajectory with optimization of Bernoulli gripping device orientation at different parameters of grasping system was made. Here offered dependence for calculation of coordinates of the center of masses of grasping system and its moment of inertia. Graphic dependences of influence of mass of the “extender-gripper-object” system on total motor power and total motor energy are shown. The energy efficiency of handling operations for different parameters of grasping system and the mass of an object of manipulation was investigated.
Palabras clave: Bernoulli gripping device; object of manipulation; orientation; industrial robot; grasping system; orienting extender
Publicado en IEEE IEPS 2018, pp: 295-300, ISBN: 978-1-5386-9546-3
Fecha de publicación: 2018-09-10.
R. Mykhailyshyn, V. Savkiv, F. Duchon, V. Koloskov, I. Diahovchenko, Investigation of the energy consumption on performance of handling operations taking into account parameters of the grasping system, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems - IEEE IEPS 2018, Járkov (Ucrania). 10-14 septiembre 2018. En: IEEE IEPS 2018: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-5386-9546-3